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Cool! (this game made in unity? )

Yep! It's made with Unity and glad you thought that my game was cool!


Nice game! Keep going! 



Keep grinding bro don't give up 💪 ❤️ Amazing work.


No problem 😃


The game was Ok but I don't know how to use shotgun if I can use and if the cat could run faster not just walking it would be tense in my opinion maybe you should change to run anyway well done!!


The shotgun icon is in your inventory for a bug and you have to find it first! I am still working on the bugs of the game!

Thanks for downloading my game!

Please leave a comment if you had any issues with the game or you want to give feedback!


The game looks good.I really want to play it. But how can i download the windows only added it for mac

Deleted 21 days ago

Hi I just made a windows version of the game. I hope it works this time!

(1 edit)

feel free to leave comment to the game!